
20th International Summer School on Trustworthy Software

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  • 2024-05-01: The registration of the summer school is open until June 30, 2024 !!


The International Summer School on Trustworthy Software was initiated in 2004 by Professor Jifeng He, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and founding dean of the School of Software Engineering of East China Normal University. The summer school aims to provide a platform for graduate students and young researchers in computer science or software engineering to learn the state-of-the-art techniques in trustworthy software field. Every year, the summer school invites 3-5 international experts to deliver excellent courses for the audients. It has been successfully held for 19 consecutive years in Shanghai, China.

The 20th summer school focuses on the topic "Formal Verification of Trustworthy AI Systems" and will carry out a 4-day activity in this summer.

Important Dates

  • Registration: 2024-05-01 -- 2024-06-30
  • Summer School: 2024-07-09 -- 2024-07-12


We are delighted to invite the following world-leading computer scientists (in alphabetic order) to introduce their latest results towards formal methods for Trustworthy Systems.

  • Thomas A. Henzinger, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
  • Ofer Strichman, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • Danny Weyns, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Naijun Zhan, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Djordje Zikelic, Singapore Management University

The details of the lecturers and their courses can be found here.


Courses will be delivered in English. Students are expected (but are not limited) to be graduate students in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Mathematics.


Please follow the next steps to complete the registration:

(1) Use either of the following ways to sign up:

  • If you are used to the WeChat app, please submit your information by using WeChat to scan the QR code below
  • Otherwise, please submit your information through google form

(2) You will be notified by Email (sent from summerschool@sei.ecnu.edu.cn) whether you are registered successfully.

  • Please be aware that due to the space limit, we can only afford no more than 120 audience in the school.
  • As a result, we appologize there is no guarantee that you can successfully be registered by default after you complete Step (1).

(3) If you are successfully registered, you need to pay 1500 RMB for the registration fee.

  • The registration fee will cover the expanses on all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), coffee breaks, and accomadations during the whole period of the summer school (2024.7.9-2024.7.12).
  • For accomadations, you can check out on July 13, 2024.
  • The instruction on how to pay the registration fee will be also sent by Email.

(4) Send us the confirmation of your payment and the necessary information of the receipt (for reimbursement). More details will be sent by Email.

(5) Once we confirm the payment, we will send the receipt before the end of the summer school.

Contact & Organizers

Contact: Software Engineering Institute, East China Normal University.

Tel: (021)62231256 (Ms. Hu)

Email: summerschool@sei.ecnu.edu.cn

Address: Science Building, East China Normal University, 3663 N. Zhongshan Rd., Shanghai

Postcode: 200062

Our speakers are supported by the following institutes: